Shipping Information
Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii
When shipping to Alaska and Hawaii, shipping will be calculated at the time of checkout based on product weight and destination.
Shipping to Canada
Shipping to Canada will be calculated at the time of checkout based on product weight and destination. Please note: orders to Canada may be subject to duties and taxes upon receipt.
Shipping to rest of the world
Most products do not have shipping options outside of the Continental US and Canada. A few accessories do allow shipping abroad. Shipping on these products will be calculated at the time of checkout based on product weight and destination.
Shipping timelines
Most orders are delivered within 5-10 business days for domestic orders and 5-12 business days for all other shipments. Once your order has shipped you will receive an email with tracking information. Please note that due to current circumstances some orders are taking longer to arrive. This is due to delays with our shipping partners and is out of our control. We appreciate your patience!
Damaged and Defective Returns
If you purchase an item from Arcade1Up.com that is damaged or defective, please refer to our warranty policy here, and reach out to our customer service team. Our goal is to get you back up and gaming!
Order Cancelation / Pre-order Cancellation
Please understand that our logistics teams are working to quickly process and ship all orders as soon as possible. If you wish to cancel a pending order prior to shipment we will do our best to accommodate, however stopping an order that has already been picked for shipping is not possible. For complete information regarding order cancelations or returns, please click here.
On some occasions we begin taking orders for products that are not yet available for shipment. These are new launches that are currently in production. When a products is made available for pre-order, we will clearly indicate this on the product page as well as give an estimated ship date. We will do everything in our power to meet this timeframe and will update the product page with any updates.